47th members’ juried art exhibition, in the Inez Greenberg Gallery

Artistry’s 48th Annual Members’ Juried Art show

November 8 - December 1, 2024
Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony: Friday, November 8, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Application Deadline: October 11, 2024


Each year this exciting competition and exhibition brings together Artistry’s talented members.
It is always a varied and eclectic collection showcasing many different mediums, styles and techniques.
Every year the exhibiting artwork is selected by a prominent member of the local arts community.

This year’s juror who will be selecting the work for the show is Rachel Daly, Artistry’s former Director of Visual Arts! The juror who will be the decider of the 11 awards including a $600 Best of Show Award, will be announced at a later date.

While you will still need to maintain an Artistry membership (or become a new member) there is no entry fee to apply to this exhibition.
A membership initiated after September 15, 2023 is considered valid for this competition.
info@artistrymn.org to verify your membership status.

Eligibility Criteria

Open to all Artistry members, 18 years or older, who reside in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin.

To renew or apply for a membership, click on the button above. A membership initiated after September 15, 2023 is considered valid for this competition. Contact info@artistrymn.org to verify your membership status.


  • IMPORTANT! Artists may submit one or two different art pieces for consideration into this competition. It is highly unlikely that both pieces will be accepted but two pieces may be entered. Only one image per art piece is allowed; Please do not send two images (differing perspectives or detail images) for the same art piece. If you only want to enter one art piece you will only attach one image to your application.

  • Artwork must be original (no prints or reproductions allowed) and, ideally, have been completed in the last five years.

  • Maximum size of 2-D and 3-D work is 50” in any direction (including the frame). Sculptures of excessive weight may require assistance from the artist during installation.

  • All visual art media is accepted, including photography, with the exception of film or video.

  • Accepted work: When delivered to gallery artwork must be dry, framed, and prepared for hanging. Canvases must be framed or museum wrapped (1 ½” or deeper edge) with finished edges. Works on paper and smearable mediums such as charcoal and pastels must be protected under glass or Plexi-glass.

  • Artistry reserves the right to reject artwork deemed improperly framed or inappropriate for our audience.

  • Any work accepted for exhibition may not be removed until the exhibition is complete.

  • Participating artists must be available to deliver and pick up selected work on the dates listed or be able to make arrangements.

ART SALES: Artistry receives a 35% commission on all sales from the gallery. Sale price listed in application and on artwork label must contemplate Artistry’s commission.

INSURANCE: Major loss or damage to accepted individual pieces will be covered by Artistry’s Fine Art Insurance for a fair market value minus our 30% commission.  In the case of a catastrophic event, that amount will be divided pro-rata among the exhibiting artists. Only accepted artworks are covered by insurance and only during the scheduled delivery and pick-up dates.  


1.  Become a new or renewing member by clicking here, or by calling 952-563-8575. You can also visit us in the ticket office Wed - Fri from 12pm-5pm.

2.  Complete the online application via CaFE™ and download a digital image of your artwork - one or two pieces of artwork may be submitted (only one image per artwork allowed) by 11:00 p.m. October 11, 2024

Digital images must fit CaFE™ requirements:
JPEG or JPG format only
Dimensions: 1200 pixels or greater on the longest side.
Resolution: 72 ppi/dpi
Size: under 5 MB             

FEES: There is no fee to apply to this exhibition.

NOTIFICATION: An emailed notification will be made by 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 18th.

DELIVERY OF ACCEPTED ARTWORK: If your artwork has been selected by the juror, please be prepared to deliver accepted pieces (or arrange for delivery of your work) to Artistry on Wednesday, October 30th, between 4 - 7pm.

Shipped works must be in reusable cartons or crates for reshipping. The artist is responsible for arranging with the carrier in advance – and notifying Artistry – for return shipping.  No C.O.D. shipments will be accepted. The artist is responsible for all shipping fees to and from the center  

OPENING RECEPTION & AWARDS: We are currently planning an in-person Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony, November 8th, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

This year’s awards include:
$600 Best of Show award
$300 Excellence award in 2-dimensional work
$300 Excellence award in 3-dimensional work
Four $150 Merit awards
Four $50 Honorable Mentions

EXHIBITION CLOSE & PICK-UP OF ARTWORK: The exhibition closes Sunday, December 1st at 4:00pm. Artists must arrange to pick up exhibited artwork Sunday, December 1st between 4:00 pm – 6:00pm.

October 11th: Online application deadline at 11:00 pm
October 18th:  Notification emailed to artists by 5:00 pm
October 30th: Deliver selected artwork to Artistry between 4:00pm - 7:00pm
November 8th: Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony 6:00 – 8:00 pm (Council Chambers)
December 1st: Exhibition Closes at 4:00pm
December 1st: Pick up exhibited artwork, 4:00pm - 6:00pm