Artistry Staff
Kelli Foster Warder
Executive Artistic Director
Eric Herr-Madsen
Audience Services Manager
Grace Hillmyer
Education Coordinator
Katie Phillips
Production & Operations Manager
Will Rafferty
Technical Director & Production Associate
Jessica Swanson
Visual Arts Coordinator
Adán Varela
Communications & Marketing Specialist
Ajah Williams
Artistic Production Associate
Board of Directors
Craig Ashby
Staff Vice President, Product Development & Management, Centene Corporation
Carena Crowell-Chambers
Senior Manager of Central Content and Editorial Projects, Thomson Reuters
Jane Chronister
Business Consultant
Matt Dymoke
Director of Development, PROP Food Shelf
Annette Lee, Secretary
Senior Account Manager, LEVI STRAUSS & CO.
Laurie Leung
Senior Compliance Consultant, Media
Paul Niederberger
Retired, Computer/IT Specialist
Karen Nordstrom
Retired, Registered Nurse
Former Bloomington City Councilmember
Shelley Peterson, Treasurer
Commercial Banking Relationship Manager, Vice President BMO Harris Bank NA
Johanna Rian
Retired Program Director, Mayo Clinic Lavins Center for Humanities in Medicine
Megan C. Rogers, President
Shareholder, Larkin Hoffman
Cheri Rolnick
Retired Epidemiologist, Health Partners
Arthur C Turner III, Vice President