Each year this exciting competition and exhibition brings together Artistry’s talented members. It is always a varied and eclectic collection, selected by prominent members of the local arts community, showcasing many different mediums, styles and techniques.

This year’s awards include:
$600 Best of Show award
$300 Excellence award in 2-dimensional work
$300 Excellence award in 3-dimensional work
Four $150 Merit awards
Four $50 Honorable Mentions
best in show - "the light” by pamela carberry
best in 3d - “parts unkown” by Dennis kalow
best in 2d - “tooled in space” by polly norman
merit award - “recumbant torso” by george moore
merit award - “black widow” by jane stern
merit award - “happy psychedelic clouds | 1/8 var” by tina anderson
merit award - “Guanajuato iv” by beth dorsey
Honorable Mention - “water play” by heidi nelson
honorable mention - “dreamscape” by donal aggerbeck
honorable mention - “on deck” by elizabeth franklin
honorable mention - “portrait of maria canel” by buck holzemer
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our Opening Reception and
Awards Ceremony on Friday, October 13th!